SNA Stats

Date of 1st SNA visit: 5.30.09 (Natural Bridge & Rockshelter, Sauk Co, SNA #105)

Total # SNA’s visited: Over 500

# SNA’s Tagged/Uploaded to Flickr: Over 450

# Counties with at least 1 SNA Visited: 66 (out of 70; 2 counties – Kewaunee and Menominee do not have any SNA’s)

# Counties with all SNA’s Visited: 45

Most visited SNA: Pleasant Valley Conservancy (Dane Co, SNA #551) – 15 visits

Here are some nifty charts showing various statistics from my SNA visits and the SNA program itself.

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A great, though late start in 2009 was followed by a bonkers 2010. Then we had a little addition to the family which understandably deserved more time and attention. Slighty fewer new visits in 2012 because that little addition became mobile and 2013 was a bit of an upswing.

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In the total number of my new SNA visits, the last few years have seen a relatively stable slope.

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In most years, less than 20 new SNA’s were added, but there have been some exceptions, notably the 129 new SNA’s in 2007. Recent years have been a return to normalcy.

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Though properties are removed from the SNA program now and then, the general trend is positive.

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